Monday, April 21, 2008

Snowy April 20th.

Sunday, April 20th was very snow in Anaconda. We had lows in the single digits in the city, negatives in the mountains outside of town, and a foot of snow yesterday. This photo is Main Steet looking South towards the courthouse and the mountains at the edge of town...

A very snowy St. Marks Episcopal Church. This is across the street from our house. Our house used to be the parsonage for St. Marks. Our friend, Father John Toles, officiates there.

This is supposed to be a Sun-Porch...

yes that's snow in the corner. we have a broken window.

Peace, Snow & Obama on the sun porch.

The move... second post in 1+ years!

600 Main Street

Boy howdy. The first (and only) post to this blog was back in 2006. Alma was new. Maggie was about to happen. And I was living the high altitude life to the fullest. Man, things do change. And fast. And good.

Dining Room - Fireplace

Dining Room - built in cabinets
I have included some photos of the new house. We signed the papers on April 4th. I moved in on April 4/5th. We saw/heard Barack and Hillary in Butte on April 5th. (Amazing). Maggie moved in this past April 15th.

Stencil-riffic Kitchen
We Love our Pantry!

We have worked our tails off getting boxes unpacked. We're almost there. The downstairs is almost complete. The upstairs is getting there. Therefore no pictures of the second floor yet.

(Jazz Wall in the Media Room. That's Mingus in the middle, with some of my favorite Jazz LPs surrounding it.)

Media Room.

Maggie and I love the house. We feel very lucky to have found it. We looked at complete Anaconda/Butte wrecks for over a year. Then this place fell in our laps. Thank you Melva!

Maybe, more importantly though, Alma LOVES the place. My old house was a mere 800 sq ft. The new place is 3300 SF!!! She has so many new places to hang out in... get lost, disappear. We put her collar and bell on during the move and craziness to follow. In case she got lost, people would know who to call. We took her bell off this weekend, so she is very stealthy now.

Maggie's Piano in it's new living room.

Alma in her new living room. She seems very happy.