Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Other fun pictures...

These are some forgotten photos that were found on Maggie's camera recently...

Alma is looking particularly ragged here. She needs a good old fashioned brushing. But, look at those eyes.

Biker Boy!

I recently had the Bridgestone Mb-3 tuned up. New tires, lube, etc... it rides better than any twenty year old bike should... Maggie likes it when I wear the helmet...

Damn Hippies and their crazy beliefs...

It's still cold here. June 4, and we're looking at highs in the lower 40's...

Big Bill's Visit to Anaconda

On Sunday June 1, Bill Clinton came to Anaconda to campaign for Senator Clinton. He spoke on the front steps of the Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Courthouse. Just two blocks from our front yard. The street was closed off at our intersection.

Anaconda Gussies-up for Bill...

Linda, a County Commissioner, told me she was driving down Main Street with the Secret Service the week before his visit. She jokingly asked them if they wanted her to have OUR Big Obama sign taken down. She told me they didn't even hesitate... "of course not" was their answer.

Bill was exactly on time. He was scheduled to speak at 1:00 pm. He is of course notorious for showing up late. That's because he is a sociable guy of course. He likes the trail. He likes to shake hands and sign autographs. But he took the stage with former Montana Congressman Pat Williams right at 1:05. I was amazed. It was a great stump speech. Nothing bad was said against Senator Obama. Plenty was said about W. and McCain. I truly hope Bill gets behind Obama. He can only be an asset. The Standard said there were 2,000 people. Don't bet on it. Maybe several hundred at best. However, his visit was enough for Hillary to carry Anaconda-Deer Lodge County in yesterday's historic Montana Primary election. Obama took the state, but Anaconda was a definite blue-collar hold-out.

Bill on the Stump...

Pat Williams Introduces Bill